Wednesday, October 17, 2012

10 Trends in (Home)Schooling

Ten trends in homeschooling, many of which make it nearly unrecognizable from historical homeschooling. Gone is the stereotyped image of rows of desks at home, with primly dressed children paying pert attention while a long-skirted and bonneted mother leads them through their lines.

Homeschoolers are dual-enrolled, co-op utilizing, blended learning machines. Homeschoolers are also looking to hybrid schooling as a way to ensure credit for classes, utilizing schools that offer flexible designs; in some cases, hybrid schools are more traditional (i.e., students attend traditional classes and complete assigned homework before the next session), but other students look for schools like HoneyFern, which help students design their own curriculum and then allows them to work at home two days a week.

Whichever route they go, homeschoolers (and homeschooling) have changed and are in some ways  leaders in the reform movement. Parents are doing it better for their kids, and traditional schools would do well to sit up and take notice.

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