Thursday, January 24, 2013

Meet HoneyFern

The weeks are flying by. I keep telling the kids that before they know it the end of the year will be here, but they remained unconvinced.

In the meantime, Ella's eggs are hatching next Friday (fingers crossed!), Will is writing a persuasive letter to get a two-toned paint job completed for his go-kart before he assembles it, Sicily is attending a tiny house building workshop in Orlando, Sarah is constructing a scale model of her greenhouse and refining her hydroponic system, and Alec is full steam ahead with his 3D game creation. They have no idea how soon they will be finished with their projects.

Thought I would take an opportunity to let the school introduce themselves. Short little video. Enjoy!


  1. love those kids! -mandy

    1. Me, too. They had a great day today. Seemed to really enjoy each other and get some good stuff done.
